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 ::New 360 titles::

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Number of posts : 110
Location : Under my Bed, Sydney
Registration date : 2008-03-14

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PostSubject: ::New 360 titles::   ::New 360 titles:: EmptyFri Apr 11, 2008 9:59 am

Gears Of War 2

CVG has got the drop on the latest Gears of War 2 details, as revealed in the most recent issue of Game Informer.

The sequel takes place six months after the first Gears of War. "In order to save Jacinto, they have no choice but to take the war to the Locust. They're going to push back and go underground, and bring the battle to them," Senior Producer Rod Fergusson said, referring to the remaining human survivors in the game.

As for the Locust, Fergusson discusses the new Locust Kantus warriors. "These monk-like devils hum low and droning chants that can be focused into sonic attacks against you. They wield weapons like the new Gorgon burst pistol and poison grenades, both of which can become part of your arsenal if you play your cards right.

"However, the Kantus' true danger lies in their ability to revive their fallen brethren from afar. Where before you could rest easy after taking down an enemy soldier, now there is the constant danger of them rising back up to continue to fight," Fergusson explains.

As for gameplay, active reloads remain the same, but you will now be more protected from enemy gunfire when behind cover and there are new chainsaw duels with Locust soldiers. The small battlefields of the first game have been transformed into massive new environments, with much more room for planning assaults. Additionally, players should expect hundreds more Locust soldiers onscreen at the same time, thanks to the latest upgrades to the Unreal 3 engine.

Finally, there are also a number of new characters accompanying players throughout the story – Tai Kaliso, "a spiritual and meditative warrior from a tradition of honor-bound fighters"; Chairman Prescott, head of the human government; Dizzy, a solider who ferries Delta Squad around; and lastly, Maria Santiago, Dom's wife and mother of his children that were killed on Emergence Day.

Stayed tuned to PALGN as further details of Gears of War 2 emerge.
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